Trustworthy C4I Supports Critical Aspects of Modern Warfighting

Command, Control, Communication, Computers, and Intelligence (C4I) are mission critical aspects of modern warfighting. SoarTech’s advancements within the C4I domains integrate modern AI and ML with Human-Centered Design (HCD) principles to develop trustworthy automation and enhance human performance.
SoarTech develops unique capabilities to support warfighters within C2, computing, and intelligence environments focused on increasing the productivity of individuals and acting as force multipliers.
SoarTech’s C4I focus includes developments such as cognitive dashboards, computational situational awareness, smart automation, C2, and mission planning tools. These tools are powered by cutting-edge AI and ML, while being explicitly designed for specific tasks through an HCD process that ensures the user’s goals are met during execution.

Situational Awareness and Decision Support

Intelligent display of information on operator control units enables the human and machine to share situation awareness necessary for team decision making. And management-by-exception control scheme allows operators to spend less time interacting with the system and more time doing other important tasks.

Deciding as a natural part of cognition, and humans do it easily and naturally. At sorta, through a combination of techniques rooted in artificial intelligence, we build software to mimic this human decision making process and use it to automate complex tasks.

Anticipatory systems monitor activities and anticipate information needs based on a changing world. They understand roles and goals and provide users with necessary information in a useful way, when it’s needed. Anticipatory systems are being applied to everything from threat analysis to intelligent automobiles.

Cognitive Information Display
Cognitive information displays are based on an understanding of goals and what information is important, displayed in a manner most appropriate for the situation. At SoarTech, we develop cognitive information displays to interface with higher-level, multi-INT fused data and network security systems.


SoarTech has garnered nearly a decade of experience in developing advanced AI-driven cyber capabilities that span network analysis, advanced LVC entities, training tools, and operationally significant strategic tools and agents.  Each of these capabilities were developed with the learner and user at the foremost of consideration through our human-centered design processes and ethos.


Case Study (Power Structure toolkit)
A key problem in operations planning is understanding the breadth of the environment, including the potential second- and third-order effects of the plan on other aspects of the battlespace. Especially difficult is understanding the human networks involved and how they are impacted by a plan.


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