Meet UCF Summer Operations Intern: Lauren Melancon

UCF student Lauren Melancon, SoarTech’s summer operations intern, said she found SoarTech at a job fair orchestrated by the cadre at the ROTC detachment at UCF. Its purpose is helping find jobs for recent graduates commissioning into the Air Force as officers but have a significant waiting period before their first assignment. She’s majoring in electrical engineering and minoring in aerospace studies.

“As I enter the USAF workforce as a 2nd lieutenant and engineer within the next year, I hope to use this internship to better understand contractors in acquisitions, improve communication, and enhance relations between the Air Force and contractors,” she said. “In addition to that, I hope to be able to gain insight into different leadership styles and leave SoarTech with some advice on how to better myself as an individual, a leader, and a teammate!”

Lauren enjoys going to the gym and all different types of workouts, but her preference is weightlifting. “I also love sports,” she said. “I enjoy playing pick-up soccer when I can, and I am currently trying to learn how to play basketball. I am also dedicating sometime this summer to learn to play the guitar and the piano, although I’m not very good at either yet!”

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